My memoir, Toward the Light: A Year in Paris (in progress), is the story of a young woman at the intersection of adolescence and adulthood when she is sexually assaulted, catapulting her onto a new path. The book explores how healing begins after trauma and invites readers along on my search for meaning, community, and connection in the aftermath of rape.
Speaking / Interviews:
Des Moines Storytellers Project (February 2024): I appeared before more than 1,200 people as part of the Des Moines Storytellers Project, sponsored by the Des Moines Register, and told the story of creating community in the aftermath of rape. (Podcast episode available HERE.)
Writing Your Resilience podcast with Lisa Cooper Ellison: Strategies for Navigating Traumatic Memories
Other pieces and awards:
“One Assault Survivor’s Story of Finding Peace Without Justice,” Guest Column, Des Moines Sunday Register, April 16, 2023. This essay was also named Finalist for Women on Writing Q4 2023 Creative Nonfiction Essay Contest (2023).
“You Can Still Call Them Friends: A Letter to My Younger Self,” named Finalist for Women on Writing Q2 2024 Creative Nonfiction Essay Contest (2024)
“Heart Song: A Pandemic Story,” named Finalist for Women on Writing Q2 2023 Creative Non-fiction Essay Contest (2023)
“Vision,” named Notable Essay for #MeToo contest at Memoir Magazine (2018)
Master’s thesis, “Beautiful to Behold: Intercultural, Evidence-Based, Socially Just Spiritual Care for Female Survivors of Sexual Violence,” written as part of MTS degree program at Iliff School of Theology in Denver, Colorado (2019)
“Beauty,” personal essay published in Summer: Women’s Writings for the Season of Beauty and Resilience, edited by Debra Landwehr Engle and Diane Glass (Golden Tree Communications 2013)
“Letting Go,” personal essay published in Fall: Women’s Stories and Poems for the Season of Wisdom and Gratitude, edited by Debra Landwehr Engle and Diane Glass (Golden Tree Communications 2013)
“Running” and “Love,” poems published in Spring: Women’s Inspiration for the Season of Hope and New Beginnings, edited by Debra Landwehr Engle and Diane Glass (Golden Tree Communications 2013)